Sunday, December 07, 2008

a night in the ER

i took myself to iloilo doctors' hospital last thursday night. in late afternoon of that day, i had such a sudden onset of fever that i had to cancel my last class. i came home early with my body burning, my head spinning, and my back killing me. was i dying?
at the hospital, amateur nurses ran standard primary tests on me. temperature, weight, blood pressure. i think they had forgotten to rip my ass open for worms! haha. .
two nurses asked me a relatively similar question at once. one asked if i was single and the other asked if i was married. i said yes. nurse single checked "single" under "status" on the information sheet while nurse married of course, checked "married". i didn't understand why they had to fill out two exact personal information forms with exactly the same data. well, it was slightly not exact in my case, was it?
later, i was asked to have my blood and urine tested. then to have my lungs x-rayed, i was taken to radiology--in a wheelchair! i think it was cool to be pushed around like that, literally. i wish that the x-ray room had been much farther from the ER, where i was picked up and brought back.
going back a bit earlier, it was kind of funny to carry pee in a tiny plastic bottle to the laboratory. it felt like parading a warm yellow liquid around. results came in more or less an hour later. pee was fine. lungs were a bit infected since i had been coughing but no reason to freak out. blood was fine, too, but they found some blah-blah which was higher than normal because of the cough. but then again, far from meeting my maker.
先週の木曜日の夜に自分で、Iloilo Doctors' Hospitalと言う病院に行った。あの日の終り頃に突然に熱があった。そして、最後の授業キャンセルをしちゃった。その後で、帰えちゃった。帰ると中で、熱が高くて、頭が痛くて、背中もとての痛かった。死んでいたかなー。。病院で、アマチュアナースは、熱と血圧と重さを計った。僕の肛門のミミズをチェックするのを忘れたと思うよ。ハハ。 。^^一つのナースは、独身者かどうか尋ねた。他のナースは、結婚したかどうか尋ねた。同時に尋ねたから、ただ『はい』と言った。そして、独身者かどうか尋ねたナースは、チャートに独身者の身分をマークした。もちろん、結婚したかどうか尋ねたナースも、チャートに結婚の身分をマークした。どうして同じインフォメションで二つチャートに書き込んだのが分かなかった。その後で、僕の血と、小便はチェックされた。で、レントゲンの室にレントゲンを撮る為に車椅子で連れて行かれた。車椅子に座るのは、とても楽しかったよ。それは、初めてから。レントゲンの室は、非常事態室からもっと遠かったら、もっと楽しくなったのに。その前に、実験室と中で小瓶に入れた小便を持って行くのは、ちょっと可笑しかったと思った。一時間ぐらい後に、結果は来た。小便は大丈夫だった。血と肺も大丈夫だったけど、少しい感染があった。全部で、全てはよかった。まだ死ななかった。