Friday, May 01, 2009

cute gabo chan. . ^^

a new life has sprung from you. . he is a promise of new hope and countless joys that life will have to offer you both. .
take joy in his eyes. . in his cries. . in changing his diapers. .
he is the extension of your very own life. .
he is worthy of love. . deserving of happiness. .

when the universe seems to conspire against you, take him into your arms. . and let him drain the pain from your heart and tears from your eyes. .
you have the strength to pull yourself out of every ditch you fall into. .
he needs exactly the same strength from you. .
and how lucky is he to have you as his mother, mentor and guide. .
i am blessed to have you in my heart and in my life.

アーブの赤ちゃんです。ガボちゃんです。可愛いですね。 。

小さな天使みたいですね。 。

大きくなった時、頭がよくて、ハンサムな人になると思います。俺のように。 。 ^^

when he grows up, he's gonna be as handsome as ore. . ^^ hehehe ^^